111 questions to foster effective 1:1 meetings

Most managers don’t know how to conduct 1:1 meetings, key to improve employee satisfaction across any organization.

Who should use this guide?

At the end of the day, every organization conducts 1:1 meetings in their own way. What they have in common is that most of them do not conduct these efficiently. There is a want to foster better quality meetings, especially regarding the current hybrid-remote trend, which has entailed a lack of interpersonal connections. To assist in the matter, have written this guide for:

People and Culture

Make sure 1:1 meetings lead to actionable insights by encouraging managers to use the "right" questions.

Team Managers

All questions you need for all topics you can imagine. From creating personal bonds to promoting career development.


Be ready and get ideas to have 1:1 meetings with your manager. Be prepared for what you could give answers to and don't get nervous.

Check in questions for meetings

  • Questions to break the ice and get to know your people
  • Questions to ensure your people are engaged and satisfied  
  • Questions to coach your people 
  • Questions to talk about team dynamics 
  • …. and many more!
70% of manager admit they do not feel comfortable conducting 1:1 meetings efficiently.