In today’s dynamic work environment, effective employee performance management makes a difference in any company. Conducting performance reviews has become a fundamental pillar of People & HR strategy. For this reason, here are 8 performance review examples that will facilitate decision making, the professional development of your people and the promotion of effective communication among team members.
Performance reviews should not be conceived as mere annual formalities, but as a valuable opportunity to identify strengths, reinforce weaknesses and establish clear next steps. As well as being a wonderful excuse to make feedback a habit in your company.
The 8 performance review examples below cover a wide range of situations and approaches. You will also find 8 downloadable templates and 260 key questions that you can use as a guide in your performance review process.
Performance reviews are an ideal way to empower employees, encourage development and excellence, and ensure that the company is on the right track to achieve its goals. Let’s start this journey towards more effective talent management and better employee communication!
8 Performance review examples
As we have already mentioned, performance reviews play a fundamental role in talent management in any company. In this section, we explore 8 performance review examples that you can use to evaluate each of the aspects listed, or even combine them!
Each of these performance review examples offers a unique perspective on key aspects, from competencies and skills to job satisfaction and customer relationships.
- Evolution and goals at 6 months
- Competencies and skills
- Job satisfaction
- Customer relationships
- Value alignment
- Interpersonal relationships and teamwork
- General feedback from the team to the manager
- Generic 360 degree feedback
260 Performance review questions for each of the 8 examples

Below you will have access to 260 performance review questions for each of the examples detailed in the previous section that you can include in the ones you carry out in your company. You will see that the questions are organized based on who the evaluator is.
We recommend that you review which type of performance review best suits your team, company and current situation. In this way, by choosing your review method and combining the questions below, you will be able to prepare the performance review that best suits your needs.
Evolution and goals at 6 months
This review focuses on the employee’s progress towards the goals set in the previous six months and how they evolve in the next 6 months. It is a good method for setting the next objectives. In this performance review example, a 6-month period has been set in order to carry out an evaluation that provides a clear view of the employee’s development in the short term.
> Webinar (Spanish): Talent development as a key part of your people strategy
Questions for a self-assessment performance review:
- How do you consider you have evolved in the last 6 months?
- What challenges have you faced in the last 6 months that you are proud of? How did you deal with them?
- What professional goals do you set out to achieve in the next 6 months? How do you plan to achieve them?
- What additional support or resources do you need to achieve your goals?
- What skills or new knowledge would you like to develop to improve your performance?
- In what areas do you need to improve?
- How do you value your own teamwork and interpersonal relationships with your colleagues and manager?
Questions for a manager – report performance review:
- How would you rate the employee’s performance in relation to the objectives set for the past 6 months?
- What notable achievements or contributions has the employee made in this period?
- What areas of improvement have you detected in reference to the employee’s performance?
- What strengths have you detected in the employee?
- In what areas have they demonstrated the most growth?
- Have they learned any new skills?
- Have they taken on any new responsibilities in the last few months?
- What has been the employee’s impact on the team?
- How do you see the employee progressing toward their goals in the next 6 months?
Questions for peer review:
- How do you assess the evolution of your colleague in the last few months?
- What significant contributions to the team has your colleague made in the last 6 months?
- In what areas have they demonstrated the most growth?
- Have they learned any new skills?
- Have they taken on any new responsibilities in the last few months?
- How has your colleague’s collaboration on joint projects been?
- What skills or competencies would you highlight in your colleague’s performance?
- In what specific areas could your colleague improve for the team?
- How would you describe your colleague’s communication and relationship with other team members?
Questions for a report – manager performance review:
- How do you evaluate the leadership and support provided by your manager in the last 6 months?
- What areas of improvement do you suggest for your manager’s growth as a team leader?
- How has your manager influenced your professional development and the growth of the company?
- How would you evaluate your manager’s communication, availability and ability to listen to your concerns?
- Any suggestions for better collaboration and communication with your manager?
- What impact has your manager had on the fulfillment of the team’s goals?
- What steps has your manager taken to create a positive and motivating work environment?
- How has your manager handled challenges and conflicts within the team?
- To what extent does your manager set clear and realistic expectations for the team?
- How would you rate your manager’s ability to recognize and reward good performance?
- Have you received the necessary support from your manager to achieve your work objectives?
- How would you describe your manager’s relationship with the team in terms of trust and mutual respect?
Competencies and skills
This performance review assesses the specific skills and competencies required for each job. This particular method helps to identify the areas in which an employee may need to improve. It is the ideal option prior to the creation of a career development plan, as it will give us clues on how to design it according to the needs of each employee.
Questions for a self-assessment performance review:
- How do you assess your technical competencies and skills in relation to your job requirements?
- What do you consider to be your main strengths in terms of competencies and skills?
- In what areas do you feel the need to improve your competencies or skills?
- What actions have you taken to develop your skills in recent months?
- How do you consider that you have contributed with your skills to the achievement of the team or company’s objectives?
- How have you learned and adapted to new situations or work methods?
- Can you provide examples of leadership through the application of your skills in the team?
- How do you compare with your initial expectations in terms of skills and competencies when you assumed your current position?
- What are your plans to improve your skills and competencies in the near future?
Questions for a manager – report performance review:
- How would you rate the employee’s technical competencies and skills in relation to the requirements of their position?
- In what specific areas has the employee demonstrated particular proficiency?
- What are the areas in which the employee needs to improve their competencies or skills?
- Has the employee proactively sought development opportunities to strengthen their competencies?
- How has the employee’s skills contributed to the achievement of team or company objectives?
- How effective is the employee at solving problems and making decisions based on their skills?
- How would you evaluate the employee’s ability to learn and adapt to new situations or work methods?
- How would you compare the employee’s skills and competencies to the initial expectations upon assuming the position?
- What specific development opportunities would you suggest to enhance the employee’s competencies?
Questions for peer review:
- What do you consider to be your colleague’s strongest skills?
- In what specific areas have you noticed that your colleague needs improvement?
- How has your colleague’s skills contributed to the success of the team?
- Can you provide examples of how your colleague has applied their skills in day-to-day situations?
- How would you describe your colleague’s ability to work collaboratively and support the team?
- Any suggestions for continued development of your colleague’s competencies and skills?
- How would you evaluate your colleague’s adaptability to new situations or work methods?
- How has your colleague’s performance evolved over the last period?
- In what specific situations has your colleague demonstrated good decision making?
Questions for a report – manager performance review:
- What are the competencies and skills of your manager that you consider most important for the success of the team?
- In what areas do you feel your manager has room for improvement?
- What skills does your manager have that you consider indispensable for team leadership?
- Can you give any examples of situations in which your manager has successfully applied their skills at work in recent months?
- Do you consider that your manager promotes the development of competencies and skills in team members?
- Any suggestions for the continued development of your manager’s competencies and skills?
- How would you evaluate the manager’s adaptability to new situations or work methods?
- In what specific situations has your manager demonstrated good decision making?
Job satisfaction
It measures employee satisfaction and comfort level in their current job, including equipment and working conditions. This performance review is a very good option when HR is looking to identify retention problems.
Questions for a self-assessment performance review:
- How would you rate your level of satisfaction in your current job? Explain the reason for your answer.
- What aspects of your working conditions do you find most satisfying and what aspects do you find least satisfying?
- What are your expectations regarding the work environment and team relationships?
- Have you ever expressed your concerns or suggested changes in the team to improve the work environment? What has been the result of such proposals?
- Do you feel satisfied with the collaboration and interpersonal relationships in your team?
- Can you give us examples of situations in which you have felt particularly satisfied in your job? Or dissatisfied?
- Do you find it easy to balance your workload with the resources and support available to you?
- What are your personal goals and how well do they align with the company’s objectives?
- What actions would you like to see taken to improve your satisfaction?
Questions for a manager – report performance review:
- Do you know if the employee is satisfied with their current job?
- Have they expressed any concerns about their working conditions? Which ones?
- How would you evaluate the impact of the work environment on the employee’s performance and well-being?
- Has the employee shared any suggestions for implementation in the team or company to improve the work environment? Which ones?
- To what extent do you think the employee is satisfied with their team and interpersonal relationships at work?
- Can you say in which areas the employee feels most satisfied with their job? And least?
Questions for peer review:
- Do you think your colleague is satisfied with their current job?
- Has any action been taken based on suggestions from your colleague for the improvement of the work environment?
- Do you consider that your colleague is satisfied with their team?
- Any suggestions for improving your colleague’s satisfaction?
- What actions have you taken as a team to create a more satisfying work environment?
- In what areas do you think your colleague is most satisfied? And least?
Questions for a report – manager performance review:
- Do you consider your manager to be satisfied with their job?
- What are the aspects of the environment that you consider most influence their satisfaction?
- Has your manager ever expressed any concerns or suggestions for improvement, and has this been translated into action?
- Do you feel that your manager is satisfied with the relationships in the team?
- Do you have any suggestions to improve your manager’s satisfaction?
Customer relationships
The performance review questions you will find here will help you, along with more specific mechanisms, to evaluate the quality of the service you offer to your customers. But make no mistake, this is not a review designed only for customer success teams, but for everyone who has even the slightest contact with customers, from marketing to the tech team. By assessing your customer relationships you can work to ensure exceptional service and lasting customer loyalty.
Questions for a self-assessment performance review:
- Do you deal a lot with customers on a day-to-day basis?
- How would you rate your level of management in terms of customer relationships?
- Would you highlight any achievement of the last months?
- Have you detected any aspects to improve in terms of customer relationships?
- Have you carried out any dynamics or specific actions that have helped you to strengthen customer relationships?
- Can you give us an example of a situation in which you have demonstrated great customer relationship management?
- Have you received any outstanding feedback, positive or negative, from customers in recent months?
- Have you faced any challenges or conflicts with customers recently?
Questions for a manager – report performance review:
- How would you evaluate the employee’s customer relationship skills?
- Can you think of any recent achievements to highlight from their work in reference to customer relationships?
- How would you evaluate the impact of the employee’s customer management?
- Have any customers given you feedback, positive or negative, about the employee?
Questions for peer review:
- How would you evaluate your colleague’s customer relationship skills?
- Any recent achievements to highlight from their work in reference to customer relationships?
- Where do you think your colleague could improve in their interactions with customers?
- Can you give us any examples of situations where your colleague has demonstrated excellence in customer relationship management?
- Have any customers ever given you feedback, positive or negative, about your colleague?
- Can you recall any conflicts or challenges your colleague has faced recently in terms of customer management?
Questions for a report – manager performance review:
- How would you evaluate your manager’s customer relationship skills?
- Do you recall any outstanding achievements of your manager in their customer relationship management?
- In what areas do you think your manager could improve in customer relationship management?
- Do you recall any situation in which your manager has demonstrated excellence in customer relationship management?
- Have you received any feedback, positive or negative, from a client about your manager?
- Have you witnessed any conflicts or challenges your manager has faced in customer relationship management?
Value alignment
Building a team where there is alignment between employees and the company is critical to success in the workplace. Assessing this alignment is essential to understanding whether the values of the employees are in sync with the culture and values of the organization.
Questions for a self-assessment performance review:
- Do you feel identified with the company’s values?
- Do you consider that the company acts in accordance with its corporate values?
- Do you feel part of the company?
- Is there anything you would like to change or improve in the company?
- Would you recommend your company as a good place to work?
- How would you evaluate yourself with respect to value “X”? – And so on with each of your company’s corporate values.
- Are there any values that you do not feel comfortable applying in your day-to-day work? Why?
- Have you taken any action to maintain consistency between your personal values and the company’s values?
- In what areas do you see challenges in terms of alignment with the company’s culture? Are you taking any action to address them?
- Have you noticed any changes in your day-to-day work practices since your last cultural alignment assessment?
Questions for a manager – report performance review:
- Do you consider that the employee works and acts in line with the company’s values?
- How would you evaluate the employee with respect to value “X”? Could you give an example? – And so on with each of your company’s corporate values.
- Have you ever witnessed an employee facing situations where their personal values differ from the company’s values?
- Have you noticed any changes in their day-to-day work practices since the last cultural alignment assessment?
- In what areas do you think the employee could improve their cultural alignment and how?
Questions for peer review:
- Do you consider that your colleague works and acts in line with the company’s values?
- How would you evaluate your colleague with respect to value “X”? Could you give an example? – And so on with each of your company’s corporate values.
- Have you ever witnessed your colleague facing situations where their personal values differ from the company’s values?
- Have you noticed any changes in their day-to-day work practices since the last cultural alignment assessment?
- In what areas do you think your colleague could improve their cultural alignment and how?
Questions for a report – manager performance review:
- Do you consider that your manager works and acts in line with the company’s values?
- How would you evaluate your manager with respect to value “X”? Could you give an example? – And so on with each of your company’s corporate values.
- Have you ever witnessed your manager facing situations where their personal values differ from the company’s values?
- Have you noticed any changes in their day-to-day work practices since the last cultural alignment assessment?
- In what areas do you think your manager could improve their cultural alignment and how?
- To what extent has [Employee Name] demonstrated leadership in aligning their team with the company’s values and culture?
- Has your manager taken any specific actions to foster company culture in the team?
- What decisions has your manager made that you consider exemplary in terms of values and ethics?
- How would you rate your manager’s leadership in terms of cultural alignment and values in the team?
Interpersonal relationships and teamwork
This type of evaluation, as its name suggests, is designed to measure and analyze the quality of the relationships between team members. It also helps to evaluate the level of collaboration and synergy that exists between team members.
An interpersonal relationships assessment examines individual skills and competencies related to communication, empathy, active listening, conflict resolution and the ability to establish positive connections with co-workers. It seeks to identify strengths and areas for improvement in the way employees relate to each other.
Questions for a self-assessment performance review:
- How do you rate your ability to communicate effectively with your co-workers?
- Do you consider yourself empathetic towards your colleagues?
- Do you consider that you practice active listening in your day-to-day work?
- Have you been involved in conflict resolution on projects or in the team recently?
- Do you consider that you contribute to establishing positive relationships among your co-workers?
- Do you think you need to improve any specific aspect regarding interpersonal relationships with your colleagues?
Questions for a manager – report performance review:
- How would you rate the employee’s ability to communicate effectively with teammates?
- Could you talk about a situation in which the employee has demonstrated empathy towards team members?
- Do you consider that the employee practices active listening when interacting with co-workers?
- How has the employee contributed to successful conflict resolution on projects or in the team?
- Do you consider that the employee is able to generate positive relationships with co-workers?
- What is their overall impact on the dynamics of interpersonal relationships and teamwork?
- Any suggestions for the employee to improve their interpersonal and teamwork skills?
Questions for peer review:
- How would you rate your teammate’s ability to communicate effectively with other team members?
- Can you talk about a situation in which your teammate has demonstrated empathy towards other team members?
- Do you consider that your teammate practices active listening when interacting with other team members?
- How has your colleague contributed to the successful resolution of conflicts in projects or in the team?
- Do you consider that your colleague is able to generate positive relationships with co-workers?
- What is their overall impact on the dynamics of interpersonal relationships and teamwork?
- Any suggestions for your colleague to improve their interpersonal and teamwork skills?
Questions for a report – manager performance review:
- How would you rate your manager’s ability to communicate effectively with the team?
- Do you think your manager is empathetic to your teammates?
- Can you talk about a situation in which your manager has shown empathy towards the rest of the team members?
- Do you think your manager practices active listening when interacting with other team members?
- How has your manager contributed to the successful resolution of conflicts in projects or in the team?
- Do you consider that your manager is able to generate positive relationships with the rest of the team?
- What is their overall impact on the dynamics of interpersonal relationships and teamwork?
- Any suggestions for your manager to improve their interpersonal and teamwork skills?
General feedback from the team to the manager
In this review, team members provide feedback on their manager’s performance as a leader. It is a very valuable type of evaluation as it allows employees to express their opinions and perspectives on how the manager leads, motivates and collaborates with the team.
The objectives of this type of review are varied. They range from fostering communication and reinforcing collaboration to helping the manager’s professional development. However, improving leadership in the team is undoubtedly the first of all. The aim is to provide the manager with feedback on their strengths and areas for improvement in their leadership role.
Preguntas para una Questions for a self-assessment performance review:
- How would you rate your leadership skills in team management?
- Do you encourage the development and growth of your team members?
- Are you comfortable with decision making and strategic planning?
- Can you give an example of a difficult decision you have made recently?
- How do you encourage communication and collaboration within the team?
- What dynamics do you employ to ensure team satisfaction and motivation?
- Are you comfortable handling conflict and difficult situations?
- Can you give an example of a conflict you have faced recently?
- Do you take any steps to promote diversity and inclusion in the team?
- Where do you think you can improve as a team leader?
- Do you have any plans to strengthen your leadership in the near future?
Questions for a manager – report performance review:
- Do you consider that your manager has good leadership skills and applies them effectively in managing the team?
- Do you have an example of a situation where your manager has supported the development and growth of his or her team?
- Do you consider your manager to be skilled in decision making and strategic planning?
- Does your manager encourage communication and collaboration within their team?
- What is your manager’s overall impact on team satisfaction and motivation?
- How has your manager handled conflict situations or challenges within the team?
- In what areas do you think your manager could improve their leadership?
Generic 360 degree feedback

The 360-degree performance review is the most comprehensive type of performance review available. The questions in this evaluation have a more generic feel, as it asks about many different topics. The goal is to provide a comprehensive view of each person’s performance and competencies. In this section we give you some general questions, but ideally you should adapt them to the needs of your company and the information you are looking to extract.
> Masterclass (Spanish): How to design, launch and manage a 360° review with Nailted
Questions for a self-assessment performance review:
- Have you met the objectives set for this period?
- How do you consider that you have contributed to the success of the team and the organization in general?
- What do you consider to be your main strengths?
- In what areas do you feel you need to improve?
- How do you feel under pressure or stress at work?
- Can you give us an example of a recent situation and how you handled it?
- Do you feel that your behavior and values are aligned with those of the company?
- How do I perceive my communication and collaboration with my colleagues?
- What efforts have I made to lead and develop my skills?
- Do you think about aspects such as the ability to set clear and realistic objectives, divide projects into executable tasks or prioritize correctly?
- Do you consider yourself a productive and competent person, who communicates progress appropriately and solves problems so that tasks are completed successfully?
- Do you demonstrate that you take ownership of your tasks in a timely manner, accepting responsibility for both what you do well and what you do poorly?
- Do you help your colleagues when needed and share knowledge with them?
- Do you give quality feedback and manage negative feedback professionally?
- Do you demonstrate a positive attitude at work and get involved in group dynamics?
- Do you consider that you make good decisions when facing new situations?
- Do you consider yourself a proactive person who looks for opportunities to improve?
- How do you rate your own work performance in general terms?
- What are your plans and goals for improving your performance in the future?
Questions for a manager – report performance review:
- To what extent has the employee fulfilled the responsibilities of their position?
- How has the employee contributed to the achievement of team and organizational goals?
- What strengths have you observed in the employee?
- What are the areas in which you think the employee should improve?
- How does the employee handle pressure or stressful situations at work?
- Is the employee aligned with the company’s culture and values?
- Is communication and collaboration with the employee easy?
- Do you consider that the employee has evolved in terms of work skills?
- Do you feel that the employee accepts responsibility for both what they do well and what they do poorly?
- Does the employee help colleagues when needed and share knowledge with them?
- Does the employee give quality feedback and handle negative feedback professionally?
- Does the employee demonstrate a positive attitude at work and engage in group dynamics?
- Do you consider that the employee makes good decisions when facing new situations?
- Do you consider the employee a proactive person who looks for opportunities to improve?
- Are you happy with the employee’s overall performance?
- What suggestions do you have for the employee to improve their performance?
Questions for peer review:
- To what extent has your colleague fulfilled the responsibilities of their position?
- How has your colleague contributed to the achievement of team and organizational objectives?
- What strengths have you observed in your colleague?
- What are the areas in which you think your colleague should improve?
- How does your colleague handle pressure or stressful situations at work?
- Is your colleague aligned with the company’s culture and values?
- Is communication and collaboration with your colleague easy?
- Do you feel that your colleague has evolved in terms of work skills?
- Do you feel that your colleague accepts responsibility for both what they do well and what they do poorly?
- Does your colleague demonstrate a positive attitude at work and get involved in the group dynamics?
- Do you consider that your colleague makes good decisions when facing new situations?
- Do you consider your colleague a proactive person who looks for opportunities to improve?
- Are you happy with your colleague’s overall performance?
- What suggestions do you have for your colleague to improve their performance?
Questions for a report – manager performance review:
- To what extent has your manager fulfilled the responsibilities of their position?
- How has your manager contributed to the achievement of team and organizational objectives?
- What strengths have you observed in your manager?
- What are the areas in which you think your manager should improve?
- How does your manager handle pressure or stressful situations at work?
- Is your manager aligned with the company’s culture and values?
- Is communication and collaboration with your manager easy?
- Do you feel that your manager has evolved in terms of work skills?
- Do you feel that your manager accepts responsibility for both what they do well and what they do poorly?
- Does your manager demonstrate a positive attitude at work and is involved in group dynamics?
- Do you consider that your manager makes good decisions when facing new situations?
- Do you consider your manager a proactive person who looks for opportunities to improve?
- Are you happy with your manager’s overall performance?
- What suggestions do you have for your manager to improve their performance?
Performance reviews play a critical role in any organization’s path to success, enabling employees, managers and HR teams to identify strengths, areas for improvement and opportunities for development.
If you are a demanding HR professional and want to create the best performance reviews, Nailted can help you. We help you create your performance review process from the design of the review itself, its launch and calibration, to the delivery of results and the follow-up of OKRs. A process tailored to People teams, with sample performance review templates and advanced settings, that allows you to automate every step while retaining full control over your feedback campaigns. Do you want to know more?