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Detect burnout and retain your talent

Detect burnout in time and get the insights you need to retain your talent.

Detect burnout in time

Prevent it before it results in employee turnover

Get a picture of your people’s mood
And detect burnout in time while preserving their anonymity using the mood map. 

Discover who are your people at risk
Thanks to segmentation identify those areas of your company at greatest risk of employee turnover.

Uncover their major lacks
Psychological safety, motivation & autonomy, engagement?

Respect their anonymity
But still get in contact with them. Understand their needs and concerns and take action to avoid burnout from escalating into employee turnover.

👉🏻 Start detecting burnout now
Detect burnout in time picture

Uncover the real causes of burnout

Discover what makes your employees leave

Identify the burnout triggers
Delving into your employee data: compensation, conciliation, stress?

Discover how your people feel
With regular surveys, custom polls or by asking them the right questions during one-on-one meetings.

Delve into the feedback received
Acknowledge their concerns and take action on them in time to prevent your people from leaving your company.

👉🏻 Start finding out what causes burnout in your company
Uncover the real causes of burnout picture

Retain your talent

Keep an eye on their experience

Collect your employee data
And learn what matters most to your people.

Detect what needs improvement
Those aspects of your employee experience that could get better: feedback, satisfaction, fellowship? 

Bring turnover down and engagement up
Defining new initiatives and monitor their effectiveness through evolution graphs.

Help your people improve constantly
By offering feedback via surveys, defining goals and having one-on-one meetings with them.

👉🏻 Reduce turnover in your company now
Retain your talent picture
"I think one of the main benefits of Nailted is that it helps us to anticipate, it allows us to act before something becomes a major problem."

Ready to predict employee burnout and boost talent retention?

Or keep exploring other interesting use cases

Keep employee satisfaction high
Monitor employee satisfaction to make sure it remains as high as possible over time
Measure your organizational climate
Obtain visibility on blind spots, detect toxic behaviors, dissatisfaction and areas of improvement.