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Improve your employee experience with Nailted AI Show me

AI in Employee Engagement to elevate your workforce experience

Humanize your employee experience with Nailted AI.

Facilitate feedback management with Nailted AI

Without losing the human touch

Prioritize messages by relevance
Nailted AI uses advanced algorithms to classify messages by importance, allowing you to prioritize critical ones and quickly handle simpler ones, optimizing your workflow.
Batch response to similar messages
Groups similar messages so you can respond collectively, helping you efficiently manage large volumes.
Human-like responses generated by AI
Offers response suggestions based on your style and previous messages, saving you time while maintaining personalized and human communication with employees.
Quick responses
Generates instant responses for simple actions like thanking for feedback or requesting more information, ensuring smooth and close interaction.
Facilitate feedback management with Nailted AI
People analytics with the power of AI

People analytics with the power of AI

Discover key insights quickly and easily

Easy fast access to your metrics
If you already know what information you want, you can send your query to the Ask Nailted assistant as if it were a colleague. Type in your question and the AI will find the information for you in seconds.
❓ Give me the eNPS data for the last year and how it has fluctuated month by month.
Analyze my eNPS data of the last 90 days
❓Show me the evolution of my eNPS
❓What is the lowest metric of the sales department.

Predict employee turnover with Nailted AI

Take preventive measures in time

Identify which groups are most prone to turnover
Nailted AI analyzes real-time interaction trends in your company. This technology will continue to improve and evolve as it collects more interaction data.
Identify people who could leave the company
Nailted AI provides clear information on which employees might leave the company, helping you identify risks and take measures to improve talent retention.
Predict employee turnover with Nailted AI
Optimize your performance reviews with AI

Optimize your performance reviews with AI

Enhance efficiency in participation

Eases feedback writing
With Nailted AI, your team can generate detailed feedback from an initial summary. This saves time and improves feedback quality, reducing the duration of your review campaigns.
Calibration Assistant
Reviewing and generating feedback for a team is a challenge. Nailted IA summarizes reviewer feedback and allows you to add comments and proposals, saving time and ensuring quality.

Our deep commitment with the development of Nailted AI

Enhance human decision-making
Nailted AI empowers people in decision-making, providing valuable information and detailed analysis, with the final decision being human.
We protect your data
We protect your data
Amazon Bedrock comply with ISO, SOC, CSA STAR Level 2, HIPAA, and GDPR standards.
With the best technology
With the best technology
We use Amazon Bedrock, a managed service with high-performance AI models from leading companies like Anthropic, Cohere, Meta, Mistral AI and Amazon.

Evolve your HR department with the best functionalities powered by Nailted AI

Do you want us to help you get it?

Need advice?

Schedule a call and tell us your plans. We will make a joint assessment and we will advise you based on your needs, adapting to them and offering you the solutions that best suit your organization.

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