Discover the secrets of good feedback and how to apply it in your company.

If we told you that feedback is a skill that needs to be learned, would you believe us? Truth is, it is! In fact, feedback is a crucial skill in the work environment. For this reason, it is important that everyone learns exactly what feedback is.

Providing effective feedback is a crucial skill in the working environment. One approach that has proven to be highly effective is the SBI feedback model. This is because your feedback should be specific, clear, and offer good reasoning on why the behavior or action should be improved. Here is where the SBI feedback model can help!

Now you may ask: what’s the SBI feedback model? In this article, we’ll delve deeper into the SBI feedback model and explain practical tips for delivering constructive feedback that promotes growth and positive change. Note that you can use the SBI Feedback model to give positive feedback, negative feedback or constructive feedback, isn’t it great?

Understanding the SBI Feedback model

The SBI feedback model is a structured framework that helps people deliver feedback in a clear, concise and impactful manner.

SBI feedback is broken down into 3 parts:

  1. The Situation: Time and place where the action happened.
  2. The Behavior: The actions we’re giving feedback for.
  3. The Impact: The ways in which the behavior impacts us, the team, or the organization.

The following infographic perfectly summarizes the SBI feedback model in a very simple way. Don’t hesitate to copy it and have it at hand!

SBI Feedback model

The Situation

When giving feedback using the SBI feedback model, firstly we need to set the context. This means defining exactly when and where the situation happened so the person has a clear understanding and can visualize it. Be as specific as possible!  We’re only focusing on facts here.

  • “During yesterday’s team meeting…”
  • “When you analyzed the results…”
  • “When you spoke to the client…”

The Behavior

After setting the context, we need to describe the behavior we are giving feedback for. We should only communicate the behaviors that we perceive directly, and not make assumptions as to why or how they happened.

For example, if someone doesn’t know how to answer a question during a presentation, don’t assume they didn’t prepare.

  • “During yesterday’s team meeting, I noticed your calculations for the social media report were incorrect.”
  • “When you analyzed the results, I saw your predictions were unrealistic.” 
  • “When you spoke to the client, you weren’t able to respond to their questions about the marketing expectations.”

The Impact

The final step in the SBI feedback model is describing how the behavior has impacted their colleagues, the team or the organization. We recommend you use statements with “I” or “We” to make your point.

  • “During yesterday’s team meeting, I noticed your calculations for the social media report were incorrect. This meant the full department results were inaccurate. I’m afraid not having the right numbers might delay the project.”
  • “When you analyzed the results, I saw your predictions were unrealistic. This could give false hope to the client and therefore cause disappointment if the results don’t go as expected.”
  • “When you spoke to the client, you weren’t able to respond to their questions about the marketing expectations. It could damage our reputation and give our client the idea that we don’t know what we’re doing.”

11 SBI Feedback examples to inspire you​

Discover the keys to an effective feedback: How to make feedback a habit in your company

The SBI feedback model helps you deliver more effective feedback by explaining the situation clearly. In this case, the employee will understand what went wrong and the impact they had on the team, which eases the process of improvement.

Here’s an example: You’re Head of HR. During the morning meeting, you notice your report giving inaccurate feedback about a candidate to the Hiring Manager. What could this mean? The Manager won’t have all the necessary information to understand whether the candidate has potential, which could consequently hinder the hiring decision.

So, how do we approach this situation using the SBI feedback model?

  • “During our morning meeting, I noticed the feedback you gave the Hiring Manager wasn’t accurate. I’m afraid this could hinder the hiring process as the manager won’t have all the information to decide whether the candidate has potential.”

Here, the Situation (“our morning meeting”) places your employee in the right context, and then the Behavior (“the feedback you gave the hiring manager wasn’t accurate”) lets them know what went wrong. Finally, the Impact (“this could hinder the hiring process”) helps them understand the impact their actions have, and motivates them to improve.

Want to learn more examples of SBI Feedback for inspiration? Read on!

Giving SBI Feedback on team meetings

  • Situation: During today’s team meeting,
  • Behavior: I noticed that you frequently interrupted your colleagues while they were speaking,
  • Impact: which made it difficult for everyone to contribute their ideas and broke the flow of the discussion.

Giving SBI Feedback on customer service

  • Situation: when we met with the customer yesterday,
  • Behavior: I observed that you patiently listened to the customer’s concerns,
  • Impact: which made them feel heard and valued, leading to a more positive customer experience.

Giving SBI Feedback on group projects

  • Situation: when working on the last group project,
  • Behavior: I observed that you consistently met all the deadlines,
  • Impact: which helped us stay on track and complete the project successfully ahead of schedule.

Giving SBI Feedback on presentations

  • Situation: during the sales presentation,
  • Behavior: I noticed that you maintained eye contact with the audience,
  • Impact: which enhanced your credibility and engagement with them.

Giving SBI Feedback on brainstorming sessions

  • Situation: in the team brainstorming session we had this morning,
  • Behavior: I noticed that you actively encouraged everyone to participate,
  • Impact: which created a collaborative environment and generated a wide range of innovative ideas.

Giving SBI Feedback on leadership

  • Situation: during the training session you had with your team today,
  • Behavior: I observed that you provided concise and clear  explanations,
  • Impact: which made it easier for your reports to understand the concepts so they can  apply them effectively.

Giving SBI Feedback on response to customers

  • Situation: in the customer feedback survey you received yesterday,
  • Behavior: I noticed that you promptly answered to all the customer concerns,
  • Impact: which demonstrated our commitment to excellent customer service and increased customer satisfaction.

Giving SBI Feedback on business meetings

  • Situation: during the business meeting,
  • Behavior: I observed that you took detailed notes and captured all the action items,
  • Impact: which helped ensure that everyone had a clear understanding of their responsibilities and improved overall meeting productivity.

Giving SBI Feedback on teamwork

  • Situation: when collaborating with your team on your current project,
  • Behavior: I noticed that you actively sought input and incorporated others’ suggestions,
  • Impact: which fostered a sense of teamwork and ownership among the team members.

Giving SBI Feedback on conflict solving

  • Situation: in the team conflict resolution discussion,
  • Behavior: I observed that you remained calm and actively listened to all perspectives,
  • Impact: which helped de-escalate the situation and lead to a constructive resolution.

SBI Feedback form: Free download

If you want to improve your company’s feedback processes we recommend you to have a fillable form for your employees to use in case of need. Here is the one we use at Nailted, you can download it for free!

Our SBI Feedback form has revolutionized the way we give feedback at Nailted. It helps us to organize and keep track of important situations we encounter in the company. Designed to promote effective communication and encourage growth, our easy-to-use form ensures that valuable feedback is captured from employees at all levels. 

By leveraging this powerful tool, you’ll unlock the potential to identify areas for improvement, drive employee engagement and cultivate a positive work culture. Say goodbye to antiquated feedback methods and embrace the future of HR.

Download the SBI Feedback form now and watch your company thrive!

How to give feedback with the SBI feedback model: A step-by-step guide

As we’ve already seen, the Situation-Behavior-Impact (SBI) feedback model is a powerful framework that helps deliver constructive feedback in a structured and impactful manner. By focusing on specific situations, observable behaviors, and the resulting impact, the SBI model ensures feedback is clear, actionable, and promotes positive change

But how can we give SBI feedback in the best possible way? Follow this step by step to leave nothing important out!

  1. Set the stage.
  2. Describe the situation.
  3. Explain the behavior.
  4. Illustrate the impact.
  5. Offer suggestions for improvement.
  6. Encourage dialogue.
  7. Follow up and support.

 Discover the keys to an effective feedback: How to make feedback a habit in your company  

1. Set the stage

Create the ideal environment for the feedback conversation. Define the type of feedback you’re giving, choose an appropriate time and place, where distractions have no place and where both parties can engage in the conversation. Emphasize the importance of open communication and growth.

2. Describe the situation

Describe the specific situation in which the observed behavior occurred to give context. Focus on the facts, make sure you’re not being subjective. Avoid generalizations and instead highlight the relevant details to paint a clear picture.

3. Explain the behavior

Identify and illustrate the behavior that you observed. Be specific, concise, objective, and avoid making assumptions or judgments. Frame the behavior as a measurable action rather than a personal characteristic.

4. Illustrate the impact

Discuss the impact of the behavior on individuals or the organization. Explain the consequences resulting from the behavior. Highlight both positive and negative impacts, ensuring a balanced perspective. Connect the behavior to its effects to facilitate understanding.

5. Offer suggestions for improvement

Provide constructive suggestions for how the individual can modify or improve their behavior. Focus on actionable steps that can be taken to address any issues or reinforce positive behaviors. Offer guidance and support, promoting growth and development.

6. Encourage dialogue

Create an open space for the recipient to respond, ask questions, or seek clarification. Encourage a two-way conversation, where both parties can exchange their point of view, look for solutions, and share insights. Promoting active listening and empathy are crucial during this phase.

7. Follow up and support

End the feedback conversation by summarizing key points and offering ongoing support. Give assistance, resources, or training opportunities that can aid in the employee’s improvements.

The SBI feedback model provides a structured approach to delivering effective feedback. By following this step-by-step guide, you can ensure that your feedback is specific, behavior-focused, and has a clear impact

Remember to create a supportive environment that encourages open dialogue and growth. With practice, the SBI feedback model can become a valuable tool for personal and professional development, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

Dos compañeras de trabajo dando feedback utilizando el modelo SBI Feedback

Why use the SBI feedback model?

Have you ever received feedback that left you unsure about how to proceed? Perhaps a colleague expressed their dissatisfaction with something you did, but you couldn’t understand their perspective and the reasons behind their disagreement or the impact it had. 

Your employees may find themselves in a similar situation, struggling to comprehend feedback and unsure about how to improve their behavior. This lack of clarity is dangerous, as it can hinder progress and growth.

Consider another scenario: you provided feedback on an employee two weeks ago, but you haven’t noticed any improvement. Could it be due to unclear feedback or a lack of understanding on their part? Next time someone asks you for feedback, you will know how to respond effectively, that’s why the SBI feedback model was created! 

Employing this model is important because:

  • You can provide feedback that sheds light on the impact of their actions.
  • It also motivates your employees to strive for improvement. 
  • Additionally, the SBI feedback model encourages employees to seek assistance or guidance if needed.
  • Empowers managers to offer support and advice.
  • It fosters emotional intelligence and minimizes conflicts. 
  • The SBI feedback model promotes a clear understanding of the actions taken and their impact on others, leaving little room for subjectivity. 
  • This model cultivates a collaborative and harmonious work environment.

In conclusion, the SBI feedback model offers a comprehensive framework for delivering feedback effectively. Its emphasis on specificity and clarity enhances employee understanding, motivation, and growth. Unlock the power of feedback by leveraging this model, you can facilitate productive feedback exchanges, encourage improvement, and foster a positive work culture driven by shared objectives.

Download the feedback guide and improve your feedback processes to grow and succeed!